Wir freuen uns darauf, Sie zu treffen und den neuesten Stand auf dem Gebiet der elektronischen Sicherheit auszutauschen! Sie sind auch herzlich eingeladen, während der Ausstellung ein Treffen mit unserem Team per E-Mail unter export@miTEC.com.hk zu buchen.
Since its establishment in 2002, miTEC has been dedicated to the research and development, manufacturing and sales of electronic products such as power supplies, access control systems, security systems, public address systems and communication systems for our retail stores in Hong Kong (Wo Hing Radio Co., Ltd.) to meet the diverse needs of the Hong Kong market.
From 2008, we began to expand our sales of products to overseas markets and quickly became favored by European and Central Asian electronics suppliers. Thanks to the stable and reliable relationships with our customers, miTEC has been able to expand the sales of its products to countries such as France, Germany, Sweden, Czech Republic, UK, USA, South Africa, etc. miTEC not only offers customized products according to customers' requirements, but also ODM and OEM of electronic components and products for our customers.
miTEC is committed to further leveraging its capabilities and resources in research and development as well as manufacturing to provide its customers with the highest possible product quality.
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