Amsterdamer Straße 172 - 174
DE 50735 Köln
Ms. Angela Liebermann
Product range

Your advantage: Europe´s No.1 certificate on your products.

Your advantage: Europe´s No.1 certificate on your products.

The VdS Quality Seal is the top buying criteria for security + safety experts in Europe and far beyond. Recommended by authorities worldwide, applicable to NFPA, ISO, EN and many more standards. VdS also publishes planning and installation guidelines for all relevant technologies – preferred worldwide for their practicality.


Optimize your sales success with 100 years of trust in proven reliability.


For free at our stand: awarded, compact guidelines for cyber-security and data protection.


Company profile

Your Safety + Security: Rely on VdS

VdS is one of the world's most renowned and prestigious institutions for corporate security and safety, specialising in fire protection, security and natural disaster prevention. The services include risk assessments, on-site inspections, certifications of products, companies and professionals, and a comprehensive training and publication programme.

VdS clients include industrial and commercial businesses in all industries, leading international manufacturers, system houses and professional specialists, as well as risk-conscious banks and insurers. VdS Schadenverhütung GmbH is a 100% subsidiary of the German Insurance Association (GDV).

